Sadia Bowering – Munchie
Efua Sey Cultural Academy is a fully inclusive, professional and community driven organisation. Efua and her team have a way of making every child regardless of background, race, sex, ability or disability feel nurtured and loved in a welcoming and caring environment. They are a highly professional and dedicated team who help every child, no matter their ability to develop great social skills, respect one another and their community as well as creating an atmosphere of trust, encouragement, imagination and play, good humour and tolerance.
For my family and I having the club in our lives has been simply life changing and continues to have a huge positive impact on our lives. My youngest brother Munchie was born with Downs Syndrome. He has severe behavioural problems and is extremely delayed developmentally, however since joining the club he has come on leaps and bounds. For example he has learnt to express himself through dance and music, socialise with children of all ages and abilities and has been given him a focus outside of school and family life. The club has taken the time to understand Munchies disabilities, routines and behaviours and provide with him with both physical and emotional support and encouragement despite its challenges. The club has proven itself that it is much more than a club that offers a form of childcare, it’s a big family were everyone cares for each other – a rare and unique quality in today’s society.
Efua and her team’s hand on, genuine approach is simply awe-inspiring, Efua herself is an inspirational individual our community is lucky to have. The children are always put first at Efua Sey Cultural club and are quite simply a lifeline to families like mine.
Thank you Efua, to you and your team for all your love and support with Munchie over the years, keep up the great work you are doing – your changing people’s lives!
Kathy and Edward Fuller
Dear Efua,
Anthony has had a fantastic day today, and it is great that he can tell us what he has been doing and who was with him. The sense of independence is really evident, and for him to be taking part in activities with other children outside of school during the holidays has been really good for him.
As Anthony is now 17 and has special needs there aren’t any holiday clubs that cater for his age group most cater for children up to the age of 14. We do not leave Anthony at home on his own and he does not socialise very much with children of his own age, even at school. We take him to athletics and to the gym, go for long walks together, I sometimes joke and say that he is like shadow everywhere my husband and I go Anthony is with us which is not ideal for a boy of his age.
When we were told about your holiday activities we were not sure what to expect or even if Anthony would show any interest. Well we could not have been more wrong after the first session he wanted to go back the next day. When we picked him up he was really relaxed and said he was having a really good time. He was able to look at the timetable for the week and select the activities which he wanted to do. He even selected African Drumming which he enjoyed. He has done so much this holiday with the club, I cannot express how grateful we are to you and your staff for providing a safe, happy, friendly motivating environment for children of all ages and abilities.
After the first couple of days of dropping Anthony off at the club, I felt so relaxed and pleased that Anthony was doing so much, and having so much to talk about when we picked him up. I think it was about the third of fourth day that I took Anthony in to the club and he went straight over to some boys who were playing pool, they greeted one another with a ” high fives ” and began chatting. I felt quite emotional and so pleased that Anthony was having such a good time. I really was not looking forward to the summer holidays, as it gets harder and harder each year to find things that Anthony can do.
Efua, you and your team have made a huge difference this holiday we cannot thank you enough.
Thank you so much for making this possible you are making a real difference for young people and their families.
Kathy and Edward Fuller
( and of course Anthony)